Coming together. Sharing together. Working together. Succeeding together.

Perceptual Skills, Play & Learning

Click to view Kim Deirino (JP Deputy Head) discussing Perceptual Skills, Play and Learning with Tammy Odendaal (Headmistress KPNS), Tracy Newman (Headmistress BeNS), Raeesa Bulbulia (Paediatric Occupational Therapist & Ashleigh van Zyl (Speech & Hearing Therapist)

teaching & learning during Covid-19

Click to view how teaching and learning has evolved during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Kyalami Schools.

Heads of School

Click to view CEO Tom Hamilton in conversation with our Heads of School; Danielle Meikle (Beaulieu College), Noële Hillen (BPS) & David Hala (KPS)

Transformation & Inclusion Feedback

Click to view Transformation & Inclusion Feedback with CEO Tom Hamilton & Thembi Mashigo


Click  to view Kyalami Schools Group Sport Strategy with Tom Hamilton (CEO), Liz Ashmore & Allistar Fredericks.

transformation & inclusion

Click to view Transformation & Inclusion with
CEO Tom Hamilton & Thembi Mashigo

our first Lekgotla session

Click here to view our first Lekgotla session with
CEO Tom Hamilton

The Kyalami Schools Group mourns the loss of Allistar Fredericks, who passed away suddenly on Tuesday 15 June. The first Black SA National Hockey Player, a two-time Olympian, ‘Ally’ was an idol and a legend. He ran the Beaulieu Hockey Academy from its inception in 2008 and the Allistar Fredericks Hockey Development Trust was established as a legacy fund in 2013. The Kyalami Schools Group aims to perpetuate his legacy of unflagging hope, passion for the development of young people, and for the transformation of sport.